You will undoubtedly know that recruitment & selection is one of the most difficult parts of the business process. How do you get the right candidate in the right place and to what should you pay attention to? Why do employees who are placed via X-EQUO stay a lot longer with a client than the national average? The answer is simple. Because we pay a lot of attention to the ‘soft’ traits, although we find the word soft absolutely out of place. It is precisely by uncovering these matters, that a faster chemistry will occur between the candidate and the company. For the candidate, you might think of things like hobbies, in what kind of (working)environment someone feels at home, in what way he or she wants to be guided, private circumstances and what the stronger and less stronger characteristics are. For the client it is things like workplace, the culture, the organizational structure, the future colleagues of the candidate and future perspectives. It’s strange. Before people marry, they usually take extensive time to get to know each eachother. There are more than a few calls before people say ‘yes’. For a business marriage between client and candidate we do not have such a long introductory time. Therefore, the thorough identification of both candidate and client done by X-EQUO is strongly recommended.
- If you wish, we will take a large part of the recruitment & selection procedure.
- We only propose motivated and appropriate candidates.
- No high cost of (mandatory) ad placements.
- We offer you guarantee conditions if the candidate does not fit.
- We work for you on “no cure no pay” basis and therefore completely without obligation.
- No (mandatory) preferred supplier agreements.
- We post your vacancy free on our website and other media, anonymously if desired.
- Also after “the match” regular contact with client and candidates.